As we look forward to the changing seasons and longer days, we are also thinking about those first blooms of the year and the sweet song of the robin.
The snowdrop is the first flower to bloom after winter and is said to symbolise hope, rebirth and comfort. It's also the birth flower of January and one of our favourite memorial pieces.

Remembering Loved Ones With Robins
If you’ve ever heard the expression, “A robin appears when a lost loved one is here”, you’ll know exactly why I chose to include a robin ashes pendant in the memorial collection. A robin symbolises hope, renewal and rebirth. And, of course, this red-breasted bird is the perfect meaningful present, given its seasonal appearance at this time of year, but this design is also carefully crafted to provide comfort and closeness, whatever the month.
For me, it’s a piece of jewellery that’s extremely close to my heart. The importance of capturing connections and being able to hold memories close became so important to me as a designer when I lost my own father the month before I graduated in my jewellery degree. His birthday was on boxing day, so the beautiful British Robin quickly became a symbol of connection to him.

My love of Snowdrops
My own love of snowdrops stems from my childhood; I was utterly enchanted by the illustrations of Cicely Mary Barker’s Flower Fairies. I had a battered old copy of her book and used to spend hours trying to draw my favourite, the Snowdrop fairy. When I would walk in nearby woodland, I would lose myself imagining the tiny snowdrops coming to life as fairies! My love for this bloom continued, and when we were married in February, we decided to decorate the church and reception with pots of delicate blooms dug up from my in-law’s garden and later planted at our own home. Every winter, when they appear, I am reminded of our special day.
You can read more about Snowdrops at my wedding on this blog
I hope you, too, are enjoying seeing the first signs of the magical and beautiful snowdrops. x