This week is Baby Loss Awareness Week (9th-15th October), a time to stop and reflect on the babies that were lost too soon. The week concludes with the Wave of Light tonight at 7pm, a time to light a candle and remember those who have been lost. To mark this week, I am sharing Reena's story... 

Reena had an ectopic pregnancy and approached me to make her a very special custom necklace with a solid gold charm in the shape of a sweet pea to remember the size of the baby at the time of the loss. So many of us have now tracked our growing babies in this way, so I understood instantly what the symbolism meant to her.  It was such a precious commission, and as always, I felt a real sense of honour to be helping Reena to treasure her story through precious bespoke jewellery. I spent a lot of time collecting dried pea seeds until I found the perfect one, then gently guided it through the casting process to craft this tactile piece. Reena shared this pretty photograph...







I asked Reena what her little gold pea pendant meant to her

‘I now have two children and still wear my necklace all the time. It carries a special place in my heart and makes me feel like all my babies are with me.’

When Reena got in touch to offer to share her story, I was really touched to hear how much the piece means to her years on, and I am so pleased for her that she now has two children. After a journey of my own to get our son and suffering our own pregnancy losses, I understand the need to find a way to keep all your babies close. As well as memory pieces of jewellery that can be held and looked at to bring connection,  I have found comfort in the idea that cells from even the tiniest of babies can cross the placental barrier and enter the mother’s bloodstream. Meaning a little bit of DNA will always be carried by the Mummy. This is called 'Microchimerism'.

For those seeking a more formal way to recognise loss, there is now a government service open to all parents who have experienced losing a pregnancy, offering a certificate formally recognising their loss. 

Health and Social Care Secretary Wes Streeting said: 

'Losing a pregnancy can be deeply distressing - there is so much love and so many dreams for the future wrapped up in a tiny life. That’s why it is important for bereaved parents to have the option to officially recognise the existence of their babies and how much they matter.'

The certificates can be applied for here x

See the memory collection here.

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